18.09.2006, 15:15
вот такая проблемка. Есть CS1000M SS 4.5.88 и к нему по SIP подключена тэлковская железяка. Вызовы с нее проходят на ура, даж с именами, а вот на нее - нет. В тестовом SIP-routing все проходит по CDP, а в рельности - забиваются все 16 канальчиков в руте со странными ошибками и до чужеродной железяки ничего не доходит (смотрю ethereal-ом). Вызов теряется еще в недрах SS.
расшифровку errorcode где глядеть ?
oam> 18/09/2006 12:50:57 LOG0004 tLogin: User <admin> has logged into the syste
SIPOutput 1
oam> SIPCallTrace on on
oam> SIPTraceLevel 1
oam> 18/09/2006 12:51:45 LOG0004 CSV: ITS4011 connecting to node
1, TN: 61-00, 0x6004 [Soft Reset: Watchdog timeout, code: 1] (201)
18/09/2006 12:51:51 LOG0006 VTM: ITS5008 Terminal connection status: 172.30.120.
65 ok (20)
18/09/2006 12:51:51 LOG0006 SET: TN 61-00 Registered with CS
18/09/2006 12:51:51 LOG0006 VTM: Last Reset Reason 0x1 (Soft
reset: Watchdog timeout)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Send chid:16 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Recv chid:1 ip:
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Send chid:1 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Recv chid:16 ip:
5060 SIP response 100
18/09/2006 12:51:58 LOG0003 SIPNPM: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGetMaddrPara
m failed, errorcode = -1003
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Send chid:15 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Recv chid:2 ip:
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Send chid:2 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Recv chid:15 ip:
5060 SIP response 100
18/09/2006 12:51:58 LOG0003 SIPNPM: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGetMaddrPara
m failed, errorcode = -1003
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:14 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:3 ip:
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:3 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:14 ip:
5060 SIP response 100
18/09/2006 12:51:59 LOG0003 SIPNPM: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGetMaddrPara
m failed, errorcode = -1003
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:13 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:4 ip:
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:4 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:13 ip:
5060 SIP response 100
18/09/2006 12:51:59 LOG0003 SIPNPM: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGetMaddrPara
m failed, errorcode = -1003
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:12 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:5 ip:
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:5 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:12 ip:
5060 SIP response 100
18/09/2006 12:51:59 LOG0003 SIPNPM: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGetMaddrPara
m failed, errorcode = -1003
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:11 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:6 ip:
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:6 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:11 ip:
5060 SIP respon18/09/2006 12:51:59s e 100
0003 SIPNPM: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGetMaddrParam failed, errorcode = -
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:10 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: 18/09/2006 12:51(18/09/06 12:51:59) :5918/9/6 12:51:59 R ecv chid:
7 ip:172.3LOG0.120.61:5060 SIP000 INVITE
SSIPCallTraceIPNPM: s: ipNpmContactIpG(18/09/06 12:51:59) et: RvSipAddrUrlGetM1
8/9/6 12:51:59 SendaddrParam failed, er chid:7 ip:172.30.12rorcode = -10030.61:
5060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:10 ip:
5060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace18/09/2006 1: 2:51:59(18/09/0 6 12:51:59) 18/9/6 LOG12:51:59 Send ch
i000d:9 ip:172.30.1203.61:5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGSIPCallTraceetMaddrP: aram failed, er(18/09/0
6 12:51:59) rorcode = -100318/9/
6 12:51:59 Recv chid:8 ip: SIP INVITE
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:8 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:9 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:8 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:9 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:9 ip:
060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:7 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:10 ip:
5060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:10 ip:
5060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:6 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:11 ip:
5060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:11 ip:
5060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:5 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:12 ip:
5060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:12 ip:
5060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:4 ip:
60 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Recv chid:13 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:13 ip:
060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:3 ip:
60 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Recv chid:14 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:14 ip:
060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:2 ip:
60 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Recv chid:15 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:15 ip:
060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:1 ip:
60 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Recv chid:16 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:16 ip:
060 SIP method ACK(1)
расшифровку errorcode где глядеть ?
oam> 18/09/2006 12:50:57 LOG0004 tLogin: User <admin> has logged into the syste
SIPOutput 1
oam> SIPCallTrace on on
oam> SIPTraceLevel 1
oam> 18/09/2006 12:51:45 LOG0004 CSV: ITS4011 connecting to node
1, TN: 61-00, 0x6004 [Soft Reset: Watchdog timeout, code: 1] (201)
18/09/2006 12:51:51 LOG0006 VTM: ITS5008 Terminal connection status: 172.30.120.
65 ok (20)
18/09/2006 12:51:51 LOG0006 SET: TN 61-00 Registered with CS
18/09/2006 12:51:51 LOG0006 VTM: Last Reset Reason 0x1 (Soft
reset: Watchdog timeout)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Send chid:16 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Recv chid:1 ip:
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Send chid:1 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Recv chid:16 ip:
5060 SIP response 100
18/09/2006 12:51:58 LOG0003 SIPNPM: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGetMaddrPara
m failed, errorcode = -1003
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Send chid:15 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Recv chid:2 ip:
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Send chid:2 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:58) 18/9/6 12:51:58 Recv chid:15 ip:
5060 SIP response 100
18/09/2006 12:51:58 LOG0003 SIPNPM: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGetMaddrPara
m failed, errorcode = -1003
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:14 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:3 ip:
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:3 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:14 ip:
5060 SIP response 100
18/09/2006 12:51:59 LOG0003 SIPNPM: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGetMaddrPara
m failed, errorcode = -1003
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:13 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:4 ip:
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:4 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:13 ip:
5060 SIP response 100
18/09/2006 12:51:59 LOG0003 SIPNPM: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGetMaddrPara
m failed, errorcode = -1003
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:12 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:5 ip:
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:5 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:12 ip:
5060 SIP response 100
18/09/2006 12:51:59 LOG0003 SIPNPM: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGetMaddrPara
m failed, errorcode = -1003
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:11 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:6 ip:
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:6 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:11 ip:
5060 SIP respon18/09/2006 12:51:59s e 100
0003 SIPNPM: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGetMaddrParam failed, errorcode = -
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:10 ip:
5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
SIPCallTrace: 18/09/2006 12:51(18/09/06 12:51:59) :5918/9/6 12:51:59 R ecv chid:
7 ip:172.3LOG0.120.61:5060 SIP000 INVITE
SSIPCallTraceIPNPM: s: ipNpmContactIpG(18/09/06 12:51:59) et: RvSipAddrUrlGetM1
8/9/6 12:51:59 SendaddrParam failed, er chid:7 ip:172.30.12rorcode = -10030.61:
5060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:10 ip:
5060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace18/09/2006 1: 2:51:59(18/09/0 6 12:51:59) 18/9/6 LOG12:51:59 Send ch
i000d:9 ip:172.30.1203.61:5060 SIP method INVITE(0)
: sipNpmContactIpGet: RvSipAddrUrlGSIPCallTraceetMaddrP: aram failed, er(18/09/0
6 12:51:59) rorcode = -100318/9/
6 12:51:59 Recv chid:8 ip: SIP INVITE
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:8 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:9 ip:
060 SIP response 100
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:8 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:9 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:9 ip:
060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:7 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:10 ip:
5060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:10 ip:
5060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:6 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:11 ip:
5060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:11 ip:
5060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:5 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Recv chid:12 ip:
5060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:51:59) 18/9/6 12:51:59 Send chid:12 ip:
5060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:4 ip:
60 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Recv chid:13 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:13 ip:
060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:3 ip:
60 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Recv chid:14 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:14 ip:
060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:2 ip:
60 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Recv chid:15 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:15 ip:
060 SIP method ACK(1)
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:1 ip:
60 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Recv chid:16 ip:
060 SIP response 503
SIPCallTrace: (18/09/06 12:52:00) 18/9/6 12:52:0 Send chid:16 ip:
060 SIP method ACK(1)