Andrey Lemets
17.08.2006, 10:21
Привет всем ! Подскажите, никто не сталкивался с подобной ситуацией....
Есть плата процессора на опции 11 главный кабинет плюс 2 кабинета расширения по оптике. Релиз 25.15 . На плате процессора вылетели тту порты все 3. Взял другую плату процессора , перенес на нее флешку,таблетку и оптику...включил ...станция не поднялась ,вначале грузится , доходит до определенного места , пишет Bus error in ISR и снова грузиться и так по кругу...Вернул на старый процессор - все восстановилось...
В чем может быть причина - подскажите?
Bootrom-ы одинаковые на процессорах? Может новый процессор не видит флэшку?
А как бы он тогда "вначале грузится"...???
Лог можно глянуть?
Andrey Lemets
17.08.2006, 13:01
Вот кусочек лога....
Loading SL1 data
Processed c:/p/data/view.cfg
SYS000 000400 000000 000000 000000 CPU 0
SYSDB RLS/ISS: 2515 LOADED FROM C: DATE/TIME: 16/8/2006 18:04:32 RECS: 30SEQNO:
*** OS RESTART ***
Meridian 1 X11 System Software
Release : x112515
Created : Thursday July 13 11:08:00 EDT 2000
Loaded : 16/8/06 18:36:32
Last Restart: 16/8/06 18:35:38
Current Time: 16/8/06 18:35:38
Copyright(C) 1972-1997 Northern Telecom, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
VxWorks 5.2
Copyright(C) 1984-1995 Wind River Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ssdrvAudit: Found unused block which is not erased: 0-33-44
Initialize Network Interface.
Network Interface is up.
IP Address :
Sub-netmask :
Executing startup script "c:/p/etc/startupc".
# EDITION AK01, SL1LIB DAM.1439 (99/05/19 18:05:20) -- COSED
# Empty startup file for use in the field.
cd "c:/p/etc"
value = 0 = 0x0
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:36:18.506) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
Done executing startup script "c:/p/etc/startupc".
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:36:18.506) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:36:18.509) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:36:18.509) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:36:18.511) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:36:18.511) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:36:18.513) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Ad=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:36:18.513) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:36:18.516) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
Loading MAT script files......
Start SNMP agent
Processed c:/p/data/view.cfg
и снова ....
*** OS RESTART ***
А начало лога? От включения ....
Да, и какой процессор на какой меняете...?
Andrey Lemets
17.08.2006, 13:19
боюсь что лог есть не с самого начала от включения..
проц меняем NTDK20EA на NDTK20JA
Я бы таки сравнил bootrom ....
System Controller
Pre-Boot: 03 dev2.37
Flash Boot: NTDK34FA_r11 dev2.54
Reset Reason: 80, 4 - Reset due to CP invoked reset
SRAM: 128 kBytes
DRAM: 32 MBytes, speed=60 ns
Security ID: 10179084 type: NT_STD
System ID: 10179084
Backup Flash: 1572 kBytes
Program Store: 32 MBytes
Flash Drive: 16 MBytes
Dual fibre expansion board #1 installed.
Expansion board #2 not installed.
Ethernet MAC address: 00:20:FFFFFFD8:D2:38:57
PCMCIA card not installed in drive A.
PCMCIA card not installed in drive B.
*** To invoke install setup program from PCMCIA enter CONTROL-I ***
Executing power up self tests
Power up self test passed
DISKOS to be run.
Verifying Diskos.
*** OS RESTART ***
Meridian 1 X11 System Software
Release : x112515
Created : Thursday July 13 11:08:00 EDT 2000
Loaded : 16/8/06 18:42:29
Copyright(C) 1972-1997 Northern Telecom, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
VxWorks 5.2
Copyright(C) 1984-1995 Wind River Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of the above software subject to terms of a license agreement.
U.S. Government users subject to "Restricted Rights" under FAR & DFAR.
Initialize Network Interface.
Network Interface is up.
IP Address :
Sub-netmask :
Executing startup script "c:/p/etc/startupc".
# EDITION AK01, SL1LIB DAM.1439 (99/05/19 18:05:20) -- CLOSED
# Empty startup file for use in the field.
cd "c:/p/etc"
value = 0 = 0x0
Done executing startup script "c:/p/etc/startupc".
Loading retained patch from "c:/u/patch/p14000_4.11c"
Loading retained patch from "c:/u/patch/p14001a4.11c"
Loading retained patch from "c:/u/patch/p14001b4.11c"
Loading retained patch from "c:/u/patch/p14008_4.11c"
Loading retained patch from "c:/u/patch/p14014a4.11c"
Loading retained patch from "c:/u/patch/p14014b4.11c"
Loading retained patch from "c:/u/patch/p14015a4.11c"
Loading retained patch from "c:/u/patch/p14015b4.11c"
Activating patch, handle = 0
buildSL1FakeMemList at 0x100e3a38 will be patched to jump to 0x21db61e8
Patch 0 has been activated successfully.
Activating patch, handle = 1
foxIsRIPValidTask at 0x10e57d90 will be patched to jump to 0x21db7408
READSL1IO at 0x10e3a7ec will be patched to jump to 0x21db7858
cemuxRead at 0x10e45a8a will be patched to jump to 0x21db78ac
Modifying a longword at 0x21db7f42 from 0x0 to 0x10789e5a
Modifying a longword at 0x21db7f06 from 0x0 to 0x10789d9c
Modifying a longword at 0x21db7e70 from 0x0 to 0x10789d14
Modifying a longword at 0x21db7caa from 0x0 to 0x10789d14
Modifying a longword at 0x21db7bf6 from 0x0 to 0x10789eb0
Modifying a longword at 0x21db7a16 from 0x0 to 0x10789bbc
Modifying a longword at 0x21db7972 from 0x0 to 0x10789b6e
UPDATE_TRK_UNIT at 0x1078925a will be patched to jump to 0x21db7904
GET_DN_BYTE_LEN at 0x104499b6 will be patched to jump to 0x21db9b70
GET_DN_BYTE_LEN at 0x1045a77a will be patched to jump to 0x21db9d9c
GET_DN_BYTE_LEN at 0x1045b2fc will be patched to jump to 0x21db9fc8
GET_DN_BYTE_LEN at 0x106a69cc will be patched to jump to 0x21dba1f4
GET_DN_BYTE_LEN at 0x108df6d2 will be patched to jump to 0x21dba43c
CHK_4_PSW_SDR at 0x1071531a will be patched to jump to 0x21dba680
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbae8e from 0x0 to 0x1145d2b2
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbadc0 from 0x0 to 0x1145c80c
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbad2e from 0x0 to 0x1145cd20
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbad0e from 0x0 to 0x1145f376
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbac78 from 0x0 to 0x1145ac8c
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbac38 from 0x0 to 0x1145fa10
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbac32 from 0x0 to 0x1145f8e8
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbac2c from 0x0 to 0x1145e74a
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbac22 from 0x0 to 0x1145e57a
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbab18 from 0x0 to 0x114734e6
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbaa18 from 0x0 to 0x1145ac8c
ACTIVECRAUDIT at 0x1145c2c0 will be patched to jump to 0x21dba9a4
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbb6f2 from 0x0 to 0x11501064
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbb6b2 from 0x0 to 0x115021aa
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbb6aa from 0x0 to 0x115013bc
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbb69a from 0x0 to 0x1150286e
DO_MAP_STATUS at 0x114fe91e will be patched to jump to 0x21dbb678
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbbc0a from 0x0 to 0x10beb626
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbbc04 from 0x0 to 0x10be79a4
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbbbfe from 0x0 to 0x10be8f7c
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbbb6e from 0x0 to 0x10beb626
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbba92 from 0x0 to 0x10beb626
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbba16 from 0x0 to 0x10beb626
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbb9ca from 0x0 to 0x10beb626
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbb9c4 from 0x0 to 0x10beb626
PRT_VERSION at 0x10be77de will be patched to jump to 0x21dbb9b4
PSWVVERSION at 0x10e6cbfe will be patched to jump to 0x21dbbfd6
DOWNLOAD_TASK at 0x10e37882 will be patched to jump to 0x21dbc194
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbc9f0 from 0x0 to 0x10c666c6
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbc6ca from 0x0 to 0x10c6658e
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbc684 from 0x0 to 0x10c66436
DIGITS_TO_CR at 0x10c65fb6 will be patched to jump to 0x21dbc588
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbd194 from 0x0 to 0x10439a4c
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbd166 from 0x0 to 0x10438704
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbd136 from 0x0 to 0x10438704
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbcfe2 from 0x0 to 0x1044acc6
GET_TER_DN at 0x104398a8 will be patched to jump to 0x21dbcf78
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbd8c8 from 0x0 to 0x106c2b72
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbd88a from 0x0 to 0x106c2d0c
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbd7d0 from 0x0 to 0x106c2d0c
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbd754 from 0x0 to 0x106c2d0c
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbd738 from 0x0 to 0x106c2eee
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbd71c from 0x0 to 0x106c2dda
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbd6dc from 0x0 to 0x106c2dda
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbd6ba from 0x0 to 0x106c2eee
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbd6a2 from 0x0 to 0x106c2dda
GET_ICC_TER_DN at 0x106c2848 will be patched to jump to 0x21dbd56c
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbe404 from 0x0 to 0x109e4d10
QCFN_RRNWCALDEST at 0x109ef6f4 will be patched to jump to 0x21dbe23c
remove__11RWHashTableFPC13RWCollectable at 0x10f8bc4e will be patched to jump to
Patch 1 has been activated successfully.
Activating patch, handle = 2
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbf30c from 0x0 to 0x107e8202
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbf2e4 from 0x0 to 0x107e8414
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbf2d0 from 0x0 to 0x107e81e6
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbf180 from 0x0 to 0x107e8202
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbf11c from 0x0 to 0x107e84a2
Modifying a longword at 0x21dbf0ce from 0x0 to 0x107e81e6
RING_500_MIX_RLT at 0x107e7f96 will be patched to jump to 0x21dbf068
Patch 2 has been activated successfully.
Activating patch, handle = 3
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc0682 from 0x0 to 0x105cc72e
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc04e2 from 0x0 to 0x105cc72e
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc03fe from 0x0 to 0x105cc612
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc03e6 from 0x0 to 0xee80d556
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc03e2 from 0x0 to 0xee80d35c
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc03de from 0x0 to 0xee80d038
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc03da from 0x0 to 0xee80ce18
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc01a8 from 0x0 to 0x105cc612
AOC_ERR_HANDLER at 0x105cbeec will be patched to jump to 0x21dc0018
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc114c from 0x0 to 0x1097ce16
PPM_CHG_TRK2TRK at 0x1097c224 will be patched to jump to 0x21dc1124
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc173c from 0x0 to 0x11473f16
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc1732 from 0x0 to 0x11473dfa
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc16da from 0x0 to 0x11473cde
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc16a6 from 0x0 to 0x11473bc8
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc1660 from 0x0 to 0x11474eb2
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc1630 from 0x0 to 0x11473616
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc1628 from 0x0 to 0x11473522
DNTRANS at 0x114639fa will be patched to jump to 0x21dc1608
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc220a from 0x0 to 0x10d8ffba
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc2064 from 0x0 to 0x10d8ffba
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc2048 from 0x0 to 0x10d7ac68
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc1ff4 from 0x0 to 0x10d8ffba
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc1f3a from 0x0 to 0x10d84fd0
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc1cd8 from 0x0 to 0x10d849b6
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc1cce from 0x0 to 0x10d847da
CC_I_REL at 0x10d83050 will be patched to jump to 0x21dc1c84
copyEuroCrArgFromSl1ToC at 0x10f68a9c will be patched to jump to 0x21dc2c9c
SET_PROT_EURO at 0x10acc6d0 will be patched to jump to 0x21dc30ac
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc419e from 0x0 to 0x10d7d1aa
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc4114 from 0x0 to 0x10d90d38
U25_TO at 0x10d90c52 will be patched to jump to 0x21dc4104
PRA_ORIG_CADN at 0x106c2eee will be patched to jump to 0x21dc4434
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc48f8 from 0x0 to 0x10dd5d52
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc48b2 from 0x0 to 0x10dd60a8
I_PROG_ISDN_ITWK at 0x10dcb3a8 will be patched to jump to 0x21dc4870
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc50ce from 0x0 to 0x109f89fa
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc502e from 0x0 to 0x109f89fa
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc4f3a from 0x0 to 0x109f89fa
QCFN_DLI2_TOMCDN at 0x109ed73a will be patched to jump to 0x21dc4e74
Patch 3 has been activated successfully.
Activating patch, handle = 4
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc5eba from 0x0 to 0x105e8500
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc5dca from 0x0 to 0x105e8500
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc5c18 from 0x0 to 0x105e8c88
FFC_SAR_CODE at 0x105e877e will be patched to jump to 0x21dc5978
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6cdc from 0x0 to 0xee81935a
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6cd8 from 0x0 to 0xee818154
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6cd4 from 0x0 to 0xee815ae8
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6cd0 from 0x0 to 0xee8191bc
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6c26 from 0x0 to 0x105dc02a
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6bfe from 0x0 to 0x105e1e8e
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6be6 from 0x0 to 0x105e1e8e
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6bc0 from 0x0 to 0x105e15ac
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6b88 from 0x0 to 0x105dba52
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6b7e from 0x0 to 0x105e17fc
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6b3e from 0x0 to 0x105e0602
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6b1c from 0x0 to 0x105dbd7a
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6afe from 0x0 to 0x105db9de
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6a54 from 0x0 to 0x105e1c96
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6a4c from 0x0 to 0x105e10aa
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6a1e from 0x0 to 0x105e1c96
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6a16 from 0x0 to 0x105e0ce4
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc69c8 from 0x0 to 0x105e1cc2
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc6966 from 0x0 to 0x105e1ef6
FFC_DO_RCFW at 0x105db63c will be patched to jump to 0x21dc68b4
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc792e from 0x0 to 0x1063d394
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc78ec from 0x0 to 0x1063d1ee
USR_LAMP_DARK at 0x1063d114 will be patched to jump to 0x21dc7848
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc7cb8 from 0x0 to 0x10579e82
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc7c66 from 0x0 to 0x10579e82
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc7c3e from 0x0 to 0x10579e82
SEND_DIST_NAME at 0x1057797a will be patched to jump to 0x21dc7bb4
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc894c from 0x0 to 0x10782132
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc8790 from 0x0 to 0x1078231e
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc8602 from 0x0 to 0x107860e4
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc85ee from 0x0 to 0x10785ec2
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc839a from 0x0 to 0x10782132
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc8382 from 0x0 to 0x1078215c
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc8296 from 0x0 to 0x10782132
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc80f0 from 0x0 to 0x10782132
Modifying a longword at 0x21dc80ca from 0x0 to 0x10782132
UDATE_ISDLC_UNIT at 0x107817c8 will be patched to jump to 0x21dc7f60
a31ReadyInt at 0x10e4952a will be patched to jump to 0x21dc9514
a31GetPollRespMsg at 0x10e4a066 will be patched to jump to 0x21dc97c6
Modifying a longword at 0x21dca242 from 0x0 to 0x1056a452
Modifying a longword at 0x21dca11c from 0x0 to 0x1056a1f0
UNIT_NOT_EQUIP at 0x10569e88 will be patched to jump to 0x21dc9e84
Patch 4 has been activated successfully.
Activating patch, handle = 5
OUTPUT at 0x1060aa1e will be patched to jump to 0x21dca940
Patch 5 has been activated successfully.
Activating patch, handle = 6
Modifying a longword at 0x21dccc36 from 0x0 to 0x102fbd2a
Modifying a longword at 0x21dcc580 from 0x0 to 0x102fbe44
HOLD_INIT at 0x102faf8a will be patched to jump to 0x21dcc38c
Patch 6 has been activated successfully.
Loading MAT script files......
Start SNMP agent
Loading SL1 data
Processed c:/p/data/view.cfg
SYS000 000808 000000 000000 000000 CPU 0
SYSDB RLS/ISS: 2515 LOADED FROM C: DATE/TIME: 16/8/2006 18:04:32 RECS: 309 SEQNO
: 897
*** OS RESTART ***
Meridian 1 X11 System Software
Release : x112515
Created : Thursday July 13 11:08:00 EDT 2000
Loaded : 16/8/06 18:43:50
Last Restart: 16/8/06 18:42:54
Current Time: 16/8/06 18:42:54
Copyright(C) 1972-1997 Northern Telecom, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
VxWorks 5.2
Copyright(C) 1984-1995 Wind River Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Initialize Network Interface.
Network Interface is up.
IP Address :
Sub-netmask :
Executing startup script "c:/p/etc/startupc".
# EDITION AK01, SL1LIB DAM.1439 (99/05/19 18:05:20) -- CLOSED
# Empty startup file for use in the field.
cd "c:/p/etc"
value = 0 = 0x0
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:43:37.701) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
Done executing startup script "c:/p/etc/startupc".
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:43:37.703) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:43:37.705) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:43:37.707) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:43:37.709) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:43:37.710) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:43:37.712) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:43:37.714) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:43:37.716) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
0x20305b4c (tRptD): (16/8/06 18:43:37.717) BERR704 EXC 0: Bus Error in ISR
SR=0x2700, PC=0x21db789c, Addr=0xb020201c, SSW=0x105
Loading MAT script files......
Start SNMP agent
Processed c:/p/data/view.cfg
*** OS RESTART ***
И дальше снова циклически повторяеться сие действо.
А вы случаем с высшего релиза, мастер-файл на низший(25.15) не заливали?
sky пишет
А вы случаем с высшего релиза, мастер-файл на низший(25.15) не заливали?
А на плате стоит плата оптического интерфейса? Если да попробуйте снять и проверить, но я бы первее проверил не загнуты ли пины на кросс-плате.
sky пишет
А на плате стоит плата оптического интерфейса? Если да попробуйте снять и проверить, но я бы первее проверил не загнуты ли пины на кросс-плате.
Менять оптику пробовали. Погнутых пинов нет. :rolleyes:
Urri пишет
К доктору
Может лучше к Нортелю :)
В первом логе заметил такую строку
ssdrvAudit: Found unused block which is not erased: 0-33-44
Может попробовать полностью потереть флешку и установить софт заново? База, правда, потеряется :)
Andrey Lemets
17.08.2006, 16:01
базу можно конечно предварительно слить ,затереть флешу, установить заново софт и залить базу....правда конечно с великой долей сомнения что поможет...плохо то что мы не можем экспериментировать бесконечно...очень критично долгое отсутствие связи..
Здается мне что, а пробывали оставить только один процессор без плат, но похоже что Нортел как всегда фуфел подсунул..что-то часто битое оборудование приходит, попробуйте залить при загрузке по Control-I чистый мастер файл и помотреть
sky пишет
Нортел как всегда фуфел подсунул..что-то часто битое оборудование приходит
Конечно фраза насчет "фуфела" резковата, поскольку мы не знаем Нортел ли его "подсунул" :-)
Но насчет качества поставляемого нового оборудования не могу не согласиться, процент брака после передачи производства в Solectron значительно возрос...
Итак, Вы проверяли плату процессора, которую ставите, в другой станции?
Прошу прощения за высокий слог, наболело. Пришла станция - блок питания не работает, 3 аппарата после перезаливки софта упали, 3 приставки сдохли сразу, плата NT8D09 с неработающими 2 юнитами...чем дальше в лес тем больше партизан...и это только одна из поставок, а как летят блоки питания в миньках, ээхх:(