15.06.2020, 11:48
Добрый день!
Прошу помочь!
У кого есть описание платы MEX-IP, вернее цифрового индиктора на этой плате? После пропадания эл.питания и полной перезагрузки станции пришлось заменить плату MEX-IP. Со старой платы переставили флешку и SAU. Все загрузилось, связь восстановилась, но на индикаторе горит 6. Что это означает? боюсь, что через время может выплыть проблема. Вынос находится далеко, с машиной напряг. Хотелось-бы предупредить аварию. Благодарю!!!

15.06.2020, 12:47
MEX-IP Status Display Codes
The MEX-IP numeric status display indicates various operating and error states of the
Coral system, and can provide valuable information to assist in the maintenance of the
system. Table 8-3 lists the various status indications and their corresponding meaning.
A “.” (dot) appears during normal system operation.
A "0" appears on the status display whenever the system is off-line for maintenance
testing, or to install or update the generic software.
A "b" in the status display indicates that a backup battery on the MEX-IP or on a DBX
card no longer has sufficient energy to maintain the memory circuitry if system power
is lost. Each time a programming session is started from the PI, any faulty battery is
identified. The system database should be saved as soon as possible to an IMC8 unit,
and the faulty battery must be replaced as soon as the system can be shut down, to
ensure continued system reliability.
An "E" indicates that the main processor has been interrupted to prevent database
corruption during a power fluctuation. This condition should clear itself momentarily.
An “L” indicates that the SAU cannot be detected at the SAU port on the front panel
of the MEX-IP. Generally, this indicates that the device is no longer present or is not
securely fastened to the MEX-IP.
A “P” appears during software installation or backup.

MEX-IP Status Display Codes

. Normal System Operation
0 Off-Line Monitor/Diagnostics Mode
1,2,3,4,5,6 Appear Briefly During Initialization
b Lithium Backup Battery (MEX-IP or DBX) Low
C Flash Memory (IMC8) Checksum Error
E Map RAM, Coding PROM, or Memory Configuration Error
F AC Fail Active (System halted due to power fluctuation)
L The Software Authorization Unit (SAU) cannot be detected at the SAU port
on the front panel of the MEX-IP. Generally, this indicates that the device is
no longer present or is not securely fastened to the MEX-IP
If the SAU is removed from the MEX-IP, the Coral system automatically
ceases call processing after 14 days. Relevant messages appear on the PI,
warning that the system will not operate without the proper SAU.
See page 8-8, Software Authorization Management for details.
P Programming the flash memory during software installation and backup

18.06.2020, 12:06
Извлеките и проверьте батарейку.

24.06.2020, 15:01
Благодарю, Vladimir74m, valeryk! Батарейка виновата.