21.12.2007, 10:09
Отзовитесь кто сталкивался с такой бедой
The MLIU is a two-slot application specific unit (ASU) that requires the following:
• NTEX22CA - Integrated Processor and F-bus interface (IPF) card
• NTEX76AA - High-speed Signalling Terminal (HST) card
• NTEX26BA - paddle board: multiple channel bus interface
В доке есть замечание :
Note: This capability has been productised only for use in Turkey.
The MLIU is a two-slot application specific unit (ASU) that requires the following:
• NTEX22CA - Integrated Processor and F-bus interface (IPF) card
• NTEX76AA - High-speed Signalling Terminal (HST) card
• NTEX26BA - paddle board: multiple channel bus interface
В доке есть замечание :
Note: This capability has been productised only for use in Turkey.