В новой (уже старой, но для меня новой) версии прошивки (2.46) появилась функция SECOND LCR (MMC 763), в MMC 724 в FEATURES появились E-LCR1..4.
Что это такое и для чего это нужно? Кто-нибудь пользовался?
PS. И что такое Network LCR?
-- MMC763 SECOND LCR addition (Table number : 200)
1) IN DIGIT : after press E-LCR CODE user a Dial Digit
2) OUT DIGIT : In case of a Dial Digit of user becomes Matching to Table's IN
DIGIT actually, number (if IN DIGIT was not inputted input
prohibition) to rise from obscurity to outside
3) USE LCR NUM : When pressed E-LCR1, E-LCR2, what LCR CODE among
E-LCR3, E-LCR4, specify that use Digit inputted to IN DIGIT in
case it is. If ALL selected, IN DIGIT in relevant Table can be
used with every matching.
4) NEXT ROUTE : Input Trunk Group number to use when digit that become
Matching to IN DIGIT was inputted. When was inputted, digit
that become Matching to relevant Table's IN DIGIT in case it is LCR goes changed OUT DIGIT and does so that follow MMC710's LCR DIGIT.
5) (200)Times Table is no item that input above IN DIGIT, OUT DIGIT, USE LCR
NUM. This Tables specify Trunk(group) number or LCR to use when digit that press E-LCR CODE and do not become Matching to IN DIGIT was inputted.
-- MMC724 FEATURE CODE : E-LCR1, E-LCR2, E-LCR3, E-LCR4 addition
=> To MMC 724 E-LCR specify.
=> If E-LCR Code entered, DIAL TONE attached.
=> If DIGIT that is specified to MMC763's "IN DIGIT" inputed, change as
=> Select trunk Group that is specified to "NEXT ROUTE" and dial "OUT DIGIT"
=> In case "NEXT ROUTE" is specified by LCR "OUT DIGIT"to MMC710 LCR
DIGIT Confirm whether become match and does so that do Normal LCR dispatch of a message.
=> When dial DIGIT that is not registered to MMC763's "IN DIGIT", Dial "NEXT ROUTE" that is specified to MMC763's last Table.
-Описание этой функции на русском смотри в руководстве по программированию для OS7200.
N-LCR типа для того чтоб 9-ку не набирать:)