18.08.2004, 17:34
Получился такой скрипт, все ли учтено?
Команда 3593 правильно вписана?
"050","05","09","","PN-30DTC-C card"
"0701","0501","D201","","B (Bearer) - channel 1"
"0701","0502","D202","","B (Bearer) - channel 2"
.................................................. ...........................
"0701","0515","D215","","B (Bearer) - channel 15"
"0701","0517","D216","","B (Bearer) - channel 16"
.................................................. ...........................
"0701","0531","D230","","B (Bearer) - channel 30"
"482","05","0","","2nd DT for Acc code OG call to B-route"
"3000","201","13","","B- rout - 13 (&14)"
.................................................. ...........................
"3000","230","13","","B- rout - 13 (&14)"
"3002","201","18","","ISDN Indial for DAY Mode"
.................................................. ...........................
"3002","230","18","","ISDN Indial for DAY Mode"
"3003","201","18","","ISDN Indial for NIGHT Mode"
.................................................. ...........................
"3003","230","18","","ISDN Indial for NIGHT Mode"
"3040","201","18","","ISDN Indial for A Mode"
.................................................. ...........................
"3040","230","18","","ISDN Indial for A Mode"
"3041","201","18","","ISDN Indial for B Mode"
.................................................. ...........................
"3041","230","18","","ISDN Indial for B Mode"
"3007","201","100","","Circuit Identification Code number for B-trunks"
.................................................. ...........................
"3007","230","129","","Circuit Identification Code number for B-trunks"
"3034","201","15","","ISDN Local Office Code (ANI) Table No"
.................................................. ...........................
"3034","230","15","","ISDN Local Office Code (ANI) Table No"
"3500","13","00","","Kind of Trunk Route for B - routes"
"3500","14","00","","Kind of Trunk Route for B - routes"
"3502","13","3","","Call Direction - Both Way for B - routes"
"3502","14","3","","Call Direction - Both Way for B - routes"
"3503","13","13","","Trunk name number"
"3503","14","14","","Trunk name number"
"773","13","ISDN","","Trunk name assignment"
"773","14","ISDN","","Trunk name assignment"
"3504","13","2","","Answer Signal from distant office for B - routes - ARRIVES"
"3504","14","2","","Answer Signal from distant office for B - routes - ARRIVES"
"3505","13","1","","Release Signal from distant office for B - routes - ARRIVES"
"3505","14","1","","Release Signal from distant office for B - routes - ARRIVES"
"3509","13","08","","Incoming Connection Signaling for B - routes - ISDN"
"3509","14","08","","Incoming Connection Signaling for B - routes - ISDN"
"3511","13","3","","Toll Restriction 0-to provid / 3-not provided"
"3511","14","3","","Toll Restriction 0-to provid / 3-not provided"
"3512","13","3","","Number of digits to be received on DID for B - routes - (0..3 -- 1..4 digit)"
"3512","14","3","","Number of digits to be received on DID for B - routes - (0..3 -- 1..4 digit)"
"3516","13","0","","Hooking Signal NOT SEND to outside for B - routes"
"3516","14","0","","Hooking Signal NOT SEND to outside for B - routes"
"3528","13","0","","Outgoing Trunk Queuing - RESTRICTED for B - routes"
"3528","14","0","","Outgoing Trunk Queuing - RESTRICTED for B - routes"
"3539","13","1","","Trunk RELEASE by detection of reversal of TIP and RING for B - routes"
"3539","14","1","","Trunk RELEASE by detection of reversal of TIP and RING for B - routes"
"3559","13","0","","Call Waiting for DID call"
"3559","14","0","","Call Waiting for DID call"
"3583","13","0","","Trunk seizure sequence (=1 by allotter)"
"3583","14","0","","- As per CM08>078=0-form upper/=1-from down Tr__"
"3589","13","0","","CRC error CHECK for B - routes - on"
"3589","14","0","","CRC error CHECK for B - routes - on"
"3590","13","3","","Assignment of DTI route for ISDN for B - routes - ISDN"
"3590","14","3","","Assignment of DTI route for ISDN for B - routes - ISDN"
"AA14","05","0","","! ! ! (AA14>04=1 - for PN-SC01 (DCH)) ! ! !"
"AA15","05","0","","(1 - for 24PRT)"
"AA06","05","22","","or 24 for ETSI Standard ISDN Protocol Type \\DTI INIT//"
"0608","0","05","","! ! ! (0608>0=04 - for PN-30PRTA) ! ! !"
"3593","13","00","","Provide D-channel Handler ??????"
"3593","14","00","","for B-routes ???????????"
"!","","","","System INITIALIZE"
"EA1","00","CCC","","Release ALARM"
"410","50","05","","Timer for timing start - OG calls"
"410","57","05","","Timer for timing start - Tandem calls"
"360","1313","0","","Allow of tandem connections for ISDN - routes"
"360","1314","0","","Allow of tandem connections for ISDN - routes"
"360","1413","0","","Allow of tandem connections for ISDN - routes"
"360","1414","0","","Allow of tandem connections for ISDN - routes"