26.08.2015, 10:58
бп 6.5в шим с обозначением 67A корпус sot 23-6 чем менял можт кто,собралось их десятка два

26.08.2015, 18:42
http://remont-aud.net/forum/32-19962-2 Сообщение # 20

Микруха называется MLX02367А http://www.melexis.com/articles/Flexpower.html
В принципе купить можно, а даташит найти вряд ли, эта контора стережет их как зеницу ока. По видимому это развитие известной микрухи TH2267.1 от той же конторы, а на нее даташиты в нете есть.

26.08.2015, 18:45
Цитата с http://www.melexis.com/articles/Flexpower.html
The MLX02367 is an application specific flyback primary CV controller for low power PSU's and chargers. Due to its unique control features, low component count circuits can be designed offering good voltage/current control linearity and reasonable tolerances even without feedback of the secondary voltage via optical coupler. Therefore the MLX02367 enables low cost applications with improved functionality and reliability. The output voltage is controlled via an extra, primary referenced winding on the flyback transformer. The chip includes z-diode references, used for deriving the threshold voltages for the comparators and the internal power supply with the start-up circuit. A push-pull output stage drives an external power transistor. The entire control characteristic, resulting in driver switch-on and switch-off, was implemented by current- and voltage monitoring with time constants and a fixed reference. Additional over current protection function were implemented to safeguard operation under single fault conditions.