17.11.2009, 20:08
Проблема с Meridian уходит в перезагрузку по кругу.. судя по всему проблема с флешкой... как лечить, куда копать?...
вот такая фигня повторяется раз 8 потом замирает всё...
[ Initialising Orbix Error handling ]
[ Constructing a new Proxy Factory Table ]
Unable to open /p/data/VERSION
RPT: enqueue report failed: cat=10, num=6247
RPT: enqueue report failed: cat=10, num=6247
RPT: enqueue report failed: cat=11, num=705
Meridian Small System Controller
Pre-Boot: 03 dev2.37
Flash Boot: NTDK34AA_r10 dev2.43
Reset Reason: C0, 0 - Reset due to Power Up
SRAM: 128 kBytes
DRAM: 8 MBytes, speed=60 ns
Security ID: 10067744 type: NT_STD
Backup Flash: 1572 kBytes
Program Store: 32 MBytes
Flash Drive: 8 MBytes
Expansion board #1 not installed.
Expansion board #2 not installed.
Ethernet MAC address:
PCMCIA card not installed in drive A.
PCMCIA card not installed in drive B.
*** To invoke install setup program from PCMCIA enter CONTROL-I ***
Executing power up self tests
Power up self test passed
DISKOS to be run.
Verifying Diskos.
*** OS RESTART ***
Meridian 1 X11 System Software
Release : x112347
Created : Wed Jul 22 12:33:55 MET DST 1998
Loaded : 17/11/09 11:41:39
Copyright(C) 1972-1997 Northern Telecom, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
VxWorks 5.2
Copyright(C) 1984-1995 Wind River Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of the above software subject to terms of a license agreement.
U.S. Government users subject to "Restricted Rights" under FAR & DFAR.
BUG6343: Unable to initialize drive. pDrv = 0x2009125c, task = tStartup, tid = 0x203373b8 , pc = 0x101064a4
BUG6343: Unable to initialize drive. pDrv = 0x2009125c, task = tStartup, tid = 0x203373b8 , pc = 0x101064d6
BUG7436 OS 0: WARNING "Bad Reason Data"
Loading 'rpteng.db' from "c:/p/rpt/rpteng.db"
RPT: Can't open DB file 'c:/p/rpt/rpteng.db' (errno 0xd0001)
RPT: rptInit: failed
BUG7460 OS 0: WARNING "RPT Init"
Unable to find startup script.
PCH1309: Error creating patch retention file "c:/u/patch/reten/reten.pch"
PCH1201: Error initializing patch retention.
Patch retention will not be possible.
BUG7462 OS 0: WARNING "Patch Init"
вот такая фигня повторяется раз 8 потом замирает всё...
[ Initialising Orbix Error handling ]
[ Constructing a new Proxy Factory Table ]
Unable to open /p/data/VERSION
RPT: enqueue report failed: cat=10, num=6247
RPT: enqueue report failed: cat=10, num=6247
RPT: enqueue report failed: cat=11, num=705
Meridian Small System Controller
Pre-Boot: 03 dev2.37
Flash Boot: NTDK34AA_r10 dev2.43
Reset Reason: C0, 0 - Reset due to Power Up
SRAM: 128 kBytes
DRAM: 8 MBytes, speed=60 ns
Security ID: 10067744 type: NT_STD
Backup Flash: 1572 kBytes
Program Store: 32 MBytes
Flash Drive: 8 MBytes
Expansion board #1 not installed.
Expansion board #2 not installed.
Ethernet MAC address:
PCMCIA card not installed in drive A.
PCMCIA card not installed in drive B.
*** To invoke install setup program from PCMCIA enter CONTROL-I ***
Executing power up self tests
Power up self test passed
DISKOS to be run.
Verifying Diskos.
*** OS RESTART ***
Meridian 1 X11 System Software
Release : x112347
Created : Wed Jul 22 12:33:55 MET DST 1998
Loaded : 17/11/09 11:41:39
Copyright(C) 1972-1997 Northern Telecom, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
VxWorks 5.2
Copyright(C) 1984-1995 Wind River Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of the above software subject to terms of a license agreement.
U.S. Government users subject to "Restricted Rights" under FAR & DFAR.
BUG6343: Unable to initialize drive. pDrv = 0x2009125c, task = tStartup, tid = 0x203373b8 , pc = 0x101064a4
BUG6343: Unable to initialize drive. pDrv = 0x2009125c, task = tStartup, tid = 0x203373b8 , pc = 0x101064d6
BUG7436 OS 0: WARNING "Bad Reason Data"
Loading 'rpteng.db' from "c:/p/rpt/rpteng.db"
RPT: Can't open DB file 'c:/p/rpt/rpteng.db' (errno 0xd0001)
RPT: rptInit: failed
BUG7460 OS 0: WARNING "RPT Init"
Unable to find startup script.
PCH1309: Error creating patch retention file "c:/u/patch/reten/reten.pch"
PCH1201: Error initializing patch retention.
Patch retention will not be possible.
BUG7462 OS 0: WARNING "Patch Init"